
bring out in the open中文是什么意思

  • 揭露, 公布出来



  • 例句与用法
  • It has been maked for immediate and statistical analysis that the calculation about the work order parameter of the base - bleed - rocket is calculated in the taguchi method , its influencing trend is bring out in the open , the theoretical base is settled for confirming the greatest combination about the work order parameter of the base - bleed - rocket . the multi - objectile optimal design model is established that the indexes have been taked into account first and synthetically , such as physical parameter range lethality power strength and flight stability and so on , the program is compiled and the example is calculated . the true worth of the theoretical work in this paper is validated by flight experimentation of 130mm hybrid base - bleed - rocket extended - range principium projectile
  • 推荐英语阅读
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